Procedure of bonds: The relation family-school in the participation of the parents in the house duties. The great objective must of it of house is to extend the learning in amount, for the extra-pertaining to school space, being an occupation adjusted for the students in house and also an important process teach-learning. Traditionally the house duty was seen as an education strategy, only for setting, revision, reinforcement and preparation for the lessons and tests, in the form of readings and exercises. This strategy affects the life of the students is of the school and its familiar routine, therefore it assumes the connection between activities of house and classroom, and a domestic structure adjusted supporting the pertaining to school activities. In the psychological aspects and moral he has been justified for the importance, autonomy and responsibility of the student. It has been a strategy to improve the pertaining to school exploitation. Some authors until say that the house duty is main half of interaction the family-school. The official lines of direction to start to see the interlacement between family and school as being importantssimas, being the eighth goal of the national education, that preserves the participation of the parents in the social development, emotional and academic of the children. On the other hand, the house duty passes to be seen as violence symbolic, because difficulties exist to adhere this method in some families, they are they them relations of classroom, race-etnia, sort and age, free time, without money to also pay reinforcement lessons and because the parents do not possess academic culture and brought up to date knowledge thus to transmit for its children. International the comparative studies strengthened the perception of the importance of the familiar environment and the practical ones of having of house: the Japanese, Chinese and taiwaneses students had better performance in standardized tests and made more duty of house of what the American students.
Month: August 2012
Student Behavior
The Perception of bullying for the students of the school Pliny We read Puxinan – PB. Monograph (Graduation in Full licenciatura in Biology), State University Valley of Acara – UVA/UNAVIDA 34p. 2010. Bullying is an English term used to describe intentional acts of violence between students with the objective to intimidate or to attack incapable individuals of if defending, causing executed pain and suffering inside of a different relation of being able. The objective of the work was to analyze the knowledge level and of association of the term bullying with practical the aggressive attacks in the school Pliny We read in the city of Puxinan-PB. The research was carried through in the period of July the September of 2010, using a sample of 100 students of basic education between 11 and 17 years, through a composed questionnaire for 12 questions related to the familiar, social and mannering connivance, being the data represented in percentages through graphs. In accordance with the results of the questionnaires, 91% of the pupils had admitted not to know what he is bullying whereas only 8% had admitted to know the term.
With regard to perception of the students in what it says respect to be victims of bullying, 20% suffer or already they had suffered beatings, 11% already had been victims of preconception for being poor or for being black, this year inside of the school, 82% already they had suffered physical aggressions and verbal in this school this year, enters the reason of aggressions predominates the anger and the revenge. 90% of the searched pupils had confessed to have attacked some colleague this year, 40% had nicknamed, 17% had called palavres, 15%empurraram, the alternatives as: kicks gozaes, you cover, murros and kicks will add 28%. Therefore it was possible to evidence to the end of this work that the lack of educational projects directed toward peace cultures, the socialization of the young and the spreading of the subject bullying contributes for one high index of disinformation regarding the subject bullying on the part of the adolescents of the school Pliny reads in the city of Puxinan-PB. Words? key: Bullying; Perception of the students; Daily pertaining to school.
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