The compromised professionals of the education in fact must fight so that new curricular orientaes appear, where the multiculturalismo are present. Valley to stand out that, the professors need a differentiated teaching formation stop of this form, to place in fact in practical its ability multicultural where it circulates the different cultures freely. 2 – The IMPORTANCE OF the INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIP IN SUPERIOR EDUCATION Many professors of didactics of superior education speak in classroom in ' ' Sinergia' ' , and, so that this is possible to happen, it has the necessity of possible more productive interaction with the purpose to reach common objectives, where all involved ones are more than a simple addition of the parts. Constructing and desconstruindo, we have a permanent task that it is to learn, not only to teach ahead of the changes that occur in the current society. To give attention in the other, in its to know, difficulties, requires to know and to recognize the necessities where let us can change necessary subsidies to the performance.

Being thus, the interpersonal relation in superior education as goes if narrowing it grows on two sensible ones: practical and the theoretician (prxis), conceiving the confidence, the respect between team favoring the constitution as people. ' ' In this direction, the good professor is what obtains, while it speaks, to bring the pupil until the privacy of the movement of its thought. Its lesson is thus a challenge and not one ' ' cantiga of ninar' '. Its pupils tire, do not sleep. They tire because they follow gone and the comings of its thought, surprise its pauses, its doubts, its incertezas' '.

(FREIRE, 2010, P. 86). Through the considered dialogue one of the positions multicultural important so that if it obtains to promote discovered, democracy, autonomy and respect, we also identify that this depends very on the interpersonal relation annexed to the context of the interaction and shelter to the different referenciais, that the professor is opened to value these questions and to promote of this form the knowledge.