Month: March 2013

Better Student

To be a good student at school will be studying and not to lose the year nor to waste time. To University you will acquire the necessary knowledge to successfully perform a profession, prepare the generational and let firm bases for the construction of a country better in the development of their social, economic and human relations and renewed in its essence. While we are in the classroom, good performance is an obligation. Being a student is synonymous with continued effort, permanent dedication and anxieties related to a theme inherent in the training programmes. Continuous evaluation and the need to show good results to move forward in the progressive scale of the academic plan in which you are registered.

Let’s look at some aspects that are going to be useful in the event that, as it is obvious, you want to obtain very good results in your academic life, understanding these results not only as good grades but with the useful learning for life and work and the early and successful inclusion in the labour market. Let’s see then: must have clarity as to the vocation, what makes us vibrate and excites us, because in the chosen profession we will spend most of the day every day of our lives. Choosing correctly is an initial and essential step to ensure good results since it was proven that we better do what we like, such as happens to children, who are happy for example, in the game to the point that sometimes prefer it over something that I like them, such as eating or drinking your favorite drink. If you have not yet chosen your future profession, keep in mind something that you like and allow you to grow as a person and as a professional. If you are already embarked on something that you feel that it is not yours, it is better that you go falling or think with seriousness in pursuing an alternate career in which you can make you fully.

Happy Students Unhappy Universities

Law students, through the Association of people affected by the law on access to advocacy and procurement (ANALAP), succeeded in that past on July 7 the BOE ratified a policy change. With it, students and recent graduates in law are no longer obliged to make a mandatory master with practices and a review to exercise like all lawyers Online. Also, they may colegiar in two years. To achieve this ANALAP plotted out a broad strategy that Member several months. It began with mobilizations peaceful on the streets of many cities and complaints through social networks. Later emails were sent to the media that diesen outreach initiatives. Finally met with representatives of the various political parties and contacted the Ministry of Justice to expose their discontent. The past May 29, PP, with support from other parliamentary groups, submitted a transactional amendment.

The 31st was ratified when Commission of Justice Congress approved the Bill of mediation in civil and commercial matters that included the third final provision, with the changes proposed in the law 34/2006. The process culminates after passing by the Senate and be approved in the Official Gazette. As a result of these modifications, many universities have shown their discontent because they had invested many resources so that the masters were in operation in the next academic year 12/13. Investment that, with the policy change, hardly going to recover because many of the students who had been forced to register are not going to do.