Month: August 2013


So far this year, estimates that work-related accidents have increased, compared with 2007, around 6%, taking the sad Palm of fatalities, accidents in the construction sector. The annual number of fatalities, victims of accidents at work, is truly chilling. However when we talk about occupational hazards, cannot only noting the narrow margin of accidents with fatal victim. A large family of occupational hazards, is making presence lately in an alarming manner: it is psychosocial risks, and thus each day it is more usual to meet someone with depression or stress caused by work, and new anglicisms such as Burnout or Mobbing, begin already part of our everyday language. Therefore, increasingly more companies, in addition to trying to reduce accidents, have among their objectives addressing these emerging risks.

It is difficult to find people, especially managers, who work under pressure can maintain an emotional self-control, and the wisdom to dedicate to each situation the attention, time and occupation that requires, or executives that while maintaining a strong level of demand at work, convey tranquility to the people who are responsible. On the contrary, is common to find heads that, before the slightest difficulty or adversity, overflowing emotionally, and transmit your stress to much, but to the entire organization. Nobody can escape him that having a happy and happy worker is, though speaking, much more profitable than having it discouraged or stressed, since in that way, it yields more and show more loyalty to the company, given that the large number of casualties who have stress as a source is known. As he gave recently announced the Institute of Labour Studies of evades, working under stress exponentially increases the likelihood of accidents at work and increases the risk of that, to be kept for a long time, resulting in mental illness. With respect to business productivity, stress can make it fall up in 30%, according to the same study.

Fantasy In Our Lives

Of that serves us to think? We have asked ourselves many times. So maybe, for advance, since by thinking humanity has been able to develop all the advances that today we have. In our minds we rehearse what later will take you to the action. That saves us time and we can assess the possibilities and the different directions that can make our decisions. All the time we are working with our mind, imagining our future, our tomorrow.These imaginations lead us to the fantasy.

Use this fantasy to try and know how we feel in this or that situation. That is a very important aspect of fantasies, since they are able to wake up the same emotions that in the actual situation. And these emotions are those that we use to decide if a decision or not. The burden we feel or tranquility in accordance cases determines our decision. Fantasy leads us to go long ways that would be impossible in reality. The fantasy allows us to imagine other lives and have fun with them, and at the same time can teach us new things about ourselves. But this closeness between fantasy and reality has a dangerous component, because sometimes it can be confused with one another. We may use fantasy to deceive ourselves, to cover the reality, and see things not as they are, but how would we.

Above all, we do this in bitter situations for us. That you must be careful, since this fantasy can lead us to more bitterness if, when we go for a wrong direction and then and then too late to go back and fall into a great frustration. As I read in an article, many writers when they work on a story make it this way: they write first the principle and then immediately imagine the end. They say that it is then very easy to connect one with the other perhaps in our lives this is often necessary, because when we know what we want, when we carry out business, travel plans, love .what we see with a good finish with a good road is necessary to see it so, because but would do. Same one when she marries, thinks that it is forever, imagines a life with your future partner superfeliz, but no, you do not casarias, is unclear. This fantasy has a very important role in our lives, because it is what gives us enthusiasm and pushes us to continue. In our lives we must have early, reality. If we look at our reality distortion-free, we will have a good start and if we design an attainable fantasy, you will have a good ending, with what the connection of one and another easier us than we think.