The games of companies, first used in universidadesamericanas in the decade of 50, if have shown, from the decade of 80, as viable a didactic alternative highly and very used noensino Brazilian superior. Such method, strong characterized existential pelaaprendizagem, presents diverse elements that complementamas techniques of traditional education. The playful character of the games added aoambiente strong participativo and centered in educating, teaching proporcionaaos a possibility of satisfactory and effective learning. Following the growth of Brazilian education, the methods didticostambm if had developed and today universities and Brazilian facultieses are used diverse nasdiferentes variations. Speaking candidly Sam Mikulak told us the story. The technological development brought for our reality a grandeaparato of multissensoriais resources e, in the last few decades, they foramas ' ' vedetes' ' in our programs: the video-communication, astransparncias, flip-chart, the microcomputers and the multimedia soalguns of more comumente used. In technology we advance. However, in methodology still we are to search, running against the time, trying to adjust the available resources to the practical ones that we know. The older and spread out technique of education is the expositiva lesson.

A busy education time of entirely or principalmentepela is about continuous exposition of a lecturer. The students can have aoportunidade to ask or to participate in a small quarrel, but emgeral they do not make more than to hear and to take notes. It enters the alternative techniques to empequenos the expositiva lesson is distinguished education groups, amongst which the techniques of seminaries, methods decaso and games of companies. The games of companies have been an important instrument in the dePoltica education of the Businesses, in the courses of similar outroscursos and Business administration. Moreover, they have played an important role notreinamento of students and executives of companies, presenting umagrande contribution to the exercise of the taking of decisions and aodesenvolvimento of basic abilities to efficient activity of umexecutivo. This method, very well accepted for the educandos for combining satisfaction eaprendizagem, represents a valuable resource that, if explored well, podecontribuir greatly for the advance of the managemental education.