Elaboration of directed xerocadas activities for the junino period. Confection of poster with turminha of the Blessed Chico. To identify in the HQ the papas of the personages of the Group of the Mnica. Collective construction of a panel with the personages Mnica, Magali, Chive, Casco and Blessed Chico with its creator. To present through Blessed the Chico personage folclricas legends (Curupira, boitat, Saci).
To provide diverse weekly sessions of video passing DVDs of the Group of the Mnica (Paramount Pictures). Disponibilizar comicses children to turn pages them and to read. Every day to read a history of the Group of the Mnica it group and to argue with them which subjects that it approaches. To talk with the children on the characteristics of the personages of turminha stimulating if to identify them it with them (to work each personage individually). To take the group to play to jump rope, amarelinha, marbles, among others tricks of turminha. To confection the personages with material reciclvel.
V – Resources: Cd' s; Dvd' s; Games; Material concrete (ink gouache, tampinhas of bottles PET, wax chalk, pencil of color, palitos of picol); Mass of shape; Clipping; Glue. VI – Evaluation: The evaluation will be carried through in continuous and systematic way, through the accompaniment of the teacher, during the period, where he will be being observed the participation, the interest and the learning of the children in the collective and individual activities. VII – White public (Profile of the Group) Pupils of 3 the 4 years of Level II (Infantile Education) VIII – Period According to Semester (Of July the December of 2011) IX – Boarded Scientific Contents – Language? Production of collective texts by means of the interpretation of histories of the personages of Maurcio de Sousa; Comment and manuscript of concrete materials as: books, magazines, comicses, among others; Identification, appropriation and association of the vowels; To represent through the drawings: people, situations and scenes of the daily one; Orality.
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