The motivation to learn is involved in multiple factors, that if imply mutually and that even so let us can analyze them separately, is one part all that it depends, wants in its nature, wants in its quality, of a series of conditions inside and outside of the school. methods used for the professors in classroom so that reach the objectives of disciplines, many times they are not efficient, this sample that exactly having the professor total domain of the content of it disciplines is conditional the organized structure which leciona. The learning is an extremely complex phenomenon, involving emotional, social, educational and cultural aspects. The learning is resultant of the development of aptitudes and knowledge, as well as of the transference of these for new situations. The process of organization of the information and integration of the material to the social and educational structure is what the educators call learning, is necessary to reflect that each individual presents a set of percipient strategies that mobilize the learning process. In other words, each person learns its way, skill, style and rhythm.
The motivation can still be learned as a process or as a product. When we relate in them to the optimism of an accumulation of theories, ideas concepts, the motivation appears as a resultant product of these learnings, but as all product is indissocivel of a process, can then look at the knowledge as an intellectual activity through which the exterior apprehension of something to the person is made. In the social level we can consider the learning as one of the polar regions of the pair teach-learning, whose synthesis constitutes the educative process. Such process understands all the dedicated behaviors to the transmission of the learning, also the objectified ones as institutions that, specify and promote the education. With this one understands that the development of the individual is a process that if of the one of is for inside, being that the half influence the motivation of the pupil in the teach-learning process.
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