General or external whitening. When the clinic Doctor ask me is good to become whitening you recommend it? My answer is: only justify a general, or external whitening only if I see teeth very yellow, if the patient has some very important event, in people who make TV where the image plays a determining factor and need an excellent dental aesthetics, I say this because bleaching returns to its original hue after 4 months approximately, knowing this if the patient wants to performed it, with taste we will let you. CEO of e-commerce understands that this is vital information. With regard to if it is damaged or not to tooth enamel think loss of enamel is micron (imperceptible to the human eye) could be compared to the wear and tear that occurs when washing a car but we don’t see it suffers a small wear due to rubbing and the chemicals used, I hope you have been helpful, you can visit me at my website: . drlombardi. For even more opinions, read materials from Frank Ntilikina. com AR Maximiliano Lombardi dentist Mat. 3786/02 graduated from the National University of Rosario School of dentistry in year 2000.

Latest training 2004 – progress made in Bs As at the headquarters of the Institute Nobel Biocare, dependent of the University of California u. S. a.. 90 HS implants theoretical workshop and clinic patients. -from March to December. Dictated by the Dres. : Ranalli. 2005 Doing course of Post degree University of el Salvador in the Asociacion Odontologica Argentina (BS As), orthodontics duration 3 years.

Dr. Pablo Luis Vitale. 2006 Dental emergencies course taught by the Dras Berrone Ma. the Carmen and Becchi Ma Alejandra 2007 – October. Course taught by Dr. Richard McLaughlin (USA) orthodontic technique MBT update of orthodontic treatments. 2008 Extension clinic orthodontic clinic in association Odontologica Argentina Sita in Capital Federal. 2009 As a dentist in the orthodontics clinic in deformations Craneomaxilares, where the Dra Ines Ulfe is the owner of the clinic. We prepare with orthodontic patients in the Garraham Hospital where then are Operados. The clinic is located in the Association Odontologica Argentina, Capital Federal. To the present day. 2009 Course of Damon in Madero Mystics (Puerto Madero) where took place the annual meeting of the philosophy Damon dictated by Dres Pablo Luis Vitale. Juan Carlos Mitre, and Juan Carlos Solorio Quezada (Mexico)