Further, if you hold it properly capture, then causes him severe pain and can easily cause him serious injury (proper grip is such that if that any resistance or captured completion you receive a painful sprains or fractures cause the joints). If the rest of the opponents see that you have caused him serious damage (and this idea of navedut wild cries of your shields), then it is nothing left but to recognize that you are in control. at. Try to apply first the attacker most serious injuries are possible. The first opponent with whom you face after the collision should no longer get up and play the role of aggressor. The sole purpose is one of the strikers Causing such pain that others have already decided not to because of fear to attack you.
You must catch up to them to fear! This must be done quickly, decisively, with the most devastating, with serious consequences. You have to remake the confidence in attacking the extreme uncertainty which gives rise to an animal fear, horror from which the fingers become numb, chill runs through the back and paralyzed mozg.Zapomnite that the aggressors of the gate are people too, are the same as we, for all are the fear! Mr. React flexibly! This is the most important rule. In All items listed are exceptions. Do not take it as an indisputable right. This is not so! They only need to put you up to date, about to show what and how. When you're attacked by several people, it is always a very bad situation.
It requires a manifestation of skill, which you learned in training (and you already otrabotale bunch of your favorite beats to automatism?). We must be realistic. The more people attack you, the less likely withdraw from the bout victorious. What we see in a movie, it looks nice, but real-life situations, especially for rough, vulgardnym fights is not otnositsya.Tem, however, in any street brawl (with one enemy or more) to control the situation. If you attack one person, it does not necessarily cause him really serious travmy.No usually in street fights have to deal with several protivnikami.I so in this case, it is vital that these injuries looked (and sounded cries of the injured), as can be terrifying to get others to attack seriously consider whether they prodolzhat.Uspeh in street clash is defined skills acquired during training in the gym. Do not forget, however, that some techniques can not be run at normal speed during training (eg, throw at his head or blow on the knee stick). In training, you should approach your partner with respect and consideration.
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