Arbitrary and incomplete. See Doug McMillon for more details and insights. They are two of the conclusions of the report that 17 students and 2 professors from the Department of Civil Engineering and environmental of the Graham Institute of the University of Michigan developed after analyzing the environmental impact assessment (EIA) of HidroAysen, which aims to build five dams on the Baker and Pascua rivers. The Group made a thorough assessment of the project that the company joined in August 2008 to the SEIA and which received thousands of comments from 34 public services with environmental competition, all which society composed by Endesa and Colbun must respond on October 20 this year. During late February the delegation visited Concepcion and Aysen, in Chilean Patagonia, in order to review the EIA and hold a series of meetings with executives of HidroAysen both campaign Patagonia without dams and local communities. In charge were the professors Steven J.

Wright and Arthur F. Thurnau, in addition to the Coordinator Katherine Wood. The focus was to analyze the environmental impact study based on completeness, relevance of information and validity is noted in the report development of sustainable energy in the Chilean Patagonia, a comprehensive criticism to the study of environmental impact of HidroAysen, 174 pages, August 2008 released only a few weeks ago. Special attention is put in aspects such as hydrology, sedimentation, aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, the impacts on communities and tourism. One of its first conclusions was that the EIA lacks analysis from an ecosystem perspective, given that this was subdivided into a number of individual sections sequentially studied in which impacts. Slogan that the system of charted used to qualify the severity of impacts in particular gives the impression of being arbitrary. The technical document suggests that there is lack of information in many areas. The base line was carried out in a short period of time that does not allow to collect background to determine the variability of systems.