The education cannot be conceived as aspect separately of the social reality. It reflects the questions clearly politics, social, interests of who withhold the financial power and resources to promote professional and continued formation. Everything is part of an wheel-alive one, where the mechanisms function arquitetados of form to answer the necessities politics of each historical period. It is important to remember that this if not sacrificing the old method of the classrooms special, however if inside makes necessary a new method of learning of the schools of our country. The great point of this process of quarrel is as to create the ideas to inside include such children of the new model of inclusion in the education, to show for society that is possible the learning of special children half to another group and first as the inclusive education for society in the process of introduction of this is important same education.
The changes had been if revealing in diverse sectors and contexts, the legal envolvement in these changes was of basic importance, the Federal Constitution of 1988, in its article 208, establishes the pertaining to school integration while constitutional rule, praising the attendance to the individuals that present deficiency, preferential in the regular net of education. In intention to strengthen the obligation of the country in providing the education, it is published, in December of 1996, the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of National Education 9.394/96. This express law in its content some significant advances. We can cite the extension of offers of the special education in the etria band of zero the six years; the idea of improvement of the quality of the educational services for the pupils and the necessity of the professor to be prepared and with adequate resources of form to understand and to take care of to the diversity of the pupils.
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