Life University of applied sciences the life at a University of applied sciences is versatile and is happening not only behind books and lectures. Because this type of high school offers also much room for personality development for new contacts with external scientists, experts from the economy, institutions, and companies. And also the entertainment is not too short. Also the Repertoire of their event and their audiences are as diverse as the courses of higher education. In addition to lectures, seminars and practical projects, numerous event outside of the actual teaching take place at universities for applied sciences for students and those who want to become it for scientists and practitioners, academics and guests. So not only current content from science and practice are taught, but allows also the versatility, creativity and dynamism of the universities and their recruits. By the guest lecture to the event by the Learning textbooks: curiosity, commitment, social competence, responsibility and personal development and fulfilment are just a few. At the end of a lecture, on weekends or during the semester holidays, there is also ample space, once the soul to let, to spend time with like-minded people and to make new friends: in college sports, pub nights, student parties or trips. Universities of applied sciences everything. Out of pure theory.
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