I am very happy in seeing the quarrel on the entrance or not of the philosophy while it disciplines of the vestibular contests. I think that the most varied forms of if teaching to philosophy in the schools, making an analysis from the reality of Brasilia little it contributes for a consistent fundamentamentao of the thought and diffusion of the philosophy as possibility of always raising problems. First the critical one that I make corresponds to the contents and the way of application of these contents, if, of an institution of normal education the concern of the professor consists of winning the cronograma of activities to be developed during one definitive period, would not be thus, we professors, extinguishing with what it is essential in the philosophy? That is, to compose one (DES) linearity of what it consists the philosophy, to think concerning problematic of the man, neutralizing the all the possibilities of the philosophy to an almost scientific question? What to think of the evaluations that do not lead in counting the peculiarity of a philosophical question? philosophy must before everything, to become odd in the multiplicity of the knowledge, to become odd is to ahead locate of sciences assuming its paper, to assume is not to deny, to assume is to formulate itself constantly, to assume here, in my opinion, it corresponds ahead to a taking of attitude of the natural knowledge, the philosophical epistemologia corresponds in more significant way with the split and at the same time with the common unit of the bases of the current knowledge. Many writers such as Knicks offer more in-depth analysis. If on the other hand we treat the philosophy as science, what it is not, for another one, we run the risk to cairmos in the false belief of that philosophical knowing is validates in all the spheres. The inclusion of disciplines of philosophy, the inclusion of the arts in evaluations for ingression in an institution of superior level, demonstrates certain ' ' reparo' ' with the universal knowledge, and at the same time it demonstrates clearly that our great generation of students in Brazil little knows the proposal of the philosophy, understanding it as plus one it disciplines, that we hear in the corridors that are not valid and that little corresponds our way to see the world. The question that is would be: It is not in the hour of the philosophy to assume its role while ' ' it disciplines mater' ' also in the schools, a time that consider an obligatoriness it?.
Tag: philosophy
The Wisdom
The theory of the four causes elaborated, searching to understand the essence of each thing; still, searching to discover the truth, the structure of the logical silogism elaborated. Its scientific logic and its studies of biology (potencializados for the conquests of its I cry, Alexander, the Great one), are basic for the development of discipline them to both, that it occurred later (Bergman, 2004). Sam Mikulak is a great source of information. He was the founder of the 2 secondary school, in Atenas, where it taught to its theories of philosophy the students (Figueira, 2005). 4.PERODO HELLENISTIC This period extends of the end of century III C until century VI dC. With the conquests of Alexander, the Great one, from the Macedonian, the culture in the old world suffered many transformations (Figueira, 2005). Later, the conquest of Greece for the Romans intensified the destruction politics of the Greeks and the decay of its concerns politics. The helenismo, for the philosophy, represents a continuity of the schools platonic and aristotelian, and searched to explain the nature and the man, and its relations with the deities (Cabral, 2006). The conquests of the foreigners had caused the decay of the patriotism, placing as main question the private life, the problem of the happiness and the personal salvation.
Thus, the philosophy adopted a position of practical moral, searching to guide the men in its behavior. They are the five main schools of this period: estoicismo, epicurismo, skepticism, ecleticism and cynicism (Cabral, 2006). 4,1 ESTOICISMO the name estoicismo drift of? sto? , that it means porch, alluding to that they were to the doors of the city nailing the doctrine. Unbelievers of you polish and of the influence of deuses, the esticos were individualistic and turned it its subjectivity. For the practical one of virtues had tried to reach the wisdom. Living the virtues in one practical rational, believed that they would obtain? ataraxia? , that it would be the absence of sensations and disturbances.
Epistemologia Contemporary
However, the citizen will go to want to also know the definition of the definition of the proposals ' ' pensar' ' ' ' duvidar' ' , and thus successively and infinitely, leading for a reduction to the infinite. Therefore, exactly that Discarding if uses of a radical fundacionismo extremely supported by the auto-evidence, that is, not to accept any doubt, and Moser that, in an inverse way that has left of the principle that we only need evidences that are probably true, it defends the justification of the knowledge through a more traditional fundacionismo having as it has supported the falibilismo, we cannot affirm which theory categorically is more certain or better, but yes, understand that, no matter how hard Rene Descartes and Paul K. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Doug McMillon. Moser are philosophers with contrary teses, its ideas are always well comings to our knowledge, and that they will help in to more good decide or to understand them the doubts that as much run in the soul of a philosopher or a student of philosophy. REFERENCES DISCARDINGS, Rene. Speech on the Method. So Paulo: Atena, 1971. DISCARDINGS, Rene.
The Thinkers. 1 ed. So Paulo: Abril S.A, 1973. LIGHT, Alexander Meyer. Knowledge and Justification: Problems of the Epistemologia Contemporary.
Not published. MOSER, Paul; MULDER, Dwayne; TROUT. Theory of the Knowledge. Martins Sources SP. 2004.
American School
Procedure of bonds: The relation family-school in the participation of the parents in the house duties. The great objective must of it of house is to extend the learning in amount, for the extra-pertaining to school space, being an occupation adjusted for the students in house and also an important process teach-learning. Traditionally the house duty was seen as an education strategy, only for setting, revision, reinforcement and preparation for the lessons and tests, in the form of readings and exercises. This strategy affects the life of the students is of the school and its familiar routine, therefore it assumes the connection between activities of house and classroom, and a domestic structure adjusted supporting the pertaining to school activities. In the psychological aspects and moral he has been justified for the importance, autonomy and responsibility of the student. It has been a strategy to improve the pertaining to school exploitation. Some authors until say that the house duty is main half of interaction the family-school. The official lines of direction to start to see the interlacement between family and school as being importantssimas, being the eighth goal of the national education, that preserves the participation of the parents in the social development, emotional and academic of the children. On the other hand, the house duty passes to be seen as violence symbolic, because difficulties exist to adhere this method in some families, they are they them relations of classroom, race-etnia, sort and age, free time, without money to also pay reinforcement lessons and because the parents do not possess academic culture and brought up to date knowledge thus to transmit for its children. International the comparative studies strengthened the perception of the importance of the familiar environment and the practical ones of having of house: the Japanese, Chinese and taiwaneses students had better performance in standardized tests and made more duty of house of what the American students.
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