people this eager one to commit with a cause. If you do not ask the commitment to him his people anybody will do plus it, but for another different cause. The people have the necessity to contribute with something superior to they themselves: this necessity this in the heart of the people. When we fomented the property sense we are not making another thing that to identify and to remove what already one is in the heart of the other person, as well as to develop in this person the principles and values to fortify and to encourage its actions. 3. To create one atmosphere a culture that promotes the participation and the commitment of the people.

The leader is responsible to promote an atmosphere where the people feel motivated to participate, where people feel that their preoccupations are taken care of, that their ideas are taken in it tells, that their contributions are appreciated. An atmosphere that promotes the participation and the commitment. 4. To realise a pursuit to the management of the people, being provided feedback throughout the process. It is required of a effort of constant realignment. The alignment is not only one precise action or event; it is a process and it never finishes. To align an equipment has been time.

To communicate the vision and the values associated to her, to create a culture of us, to connect processes of work of the organization with people, to cause a organizational climate of harmony, requires a effort and a constant adaptation, dice the money changer of the reality and the surroundings. Now since the circumstances frequently can remove to the organization from the way of the profit of the vision and the goals, a effort of constant realignment is required to return to focus in which it is important. A way to assure to return to the way than is important is to have a constant feedback than it is happening in the surroundings and within the organization. That feedback as much provides us the formal systems (financial information, control of the management, the evolution of the market, etc.) as well as the informal systems of the organization and, essentially, the contact with people, appreciating the human side of the management. Original author and source of the article.