I mean alcohol, cigarette, and tobacco. Which eventually end up by destroying families and health. This kind of economic system. Happen over any citizen, since represents a fully valuable and infinite value for industry, trade, economy and the most daring of all, politics. Above all, achievement upon a throne of sand, see the God power. Everything moves. That can do everything.

His coolness has no limit, the injustice is your first ally. And many allies who are born of this genre. A whole planet wasn’t enough, natural resources were not sufficient, the maxims much less. And all good precept was scrapped. Greed, corruption and vanity. They did go crazy to all men, from the youngest to the oldest.

However justice will bring the essence of the good time. Virtue will down noble feelings, taught wisdom by his party that the greater grandeur and dignity. It is in a courageous praxis of Holiness. Which is the most difficult of all virtues. Since our human nature clings easily to vices. But if you look at you see men in a while, we will see that there are still families in the multitude of peoples. To help their fellows as if same. That you try to love one another. I don’t mean to churches. I speak in general. Both them, and out of them. In every place and time, there will be righteous men. I therefore conclude this slight exposure, with a beautiful smile. I have no more to say to them that if they can or succeed. Know manage wisely their powerful monopolies. And they never forget their roots. Since called raised. And the Earth is full of these. Let us be brothers of action, not of religion. That divinity alum their souls and hearts.