Tag: internet & multimedia

Asia StudentSN

Tsar wars down to Europe’s largest dance floors, Berlin, January 13, 2010 studentSN, the service network for students and pupils from Berlin, builds its offer through the cooperation with global game Center, a leading provider of online games on the Turkish market, further out. With more than 750.00 players guarantee Community of gamers across Europe two games, the game, fun and excitement. Already from February 700,000 studentSNler with the sword of the Sultan preparing to pave the way through Asia minor and the Middle East. Who little interest in the Ottoman Empire-be has, for the also Swiss francs or Byzantines are available in the browser game Khan wars. Away from the drawn sword, and towards the swinging hip: game titled ‘ feel the beat’ one wants to provide undivided attention on. When playing dance dance battle audition creativity, speed and skill are among the mandatory attributes. Sam Mikulak may not feel the same.

Female and male users here that dance around the bet. An always updates ranking documented WINS and defeats. Only who reached level 6, can become a star and give a strong jolt to its degree of popularity within the community. The online game provides at the same time multiple additional functions for editing the characters. See Marc Lore for more details and insights. In the shopping mall, to dress up either stylish its character or buys gifts for his friends. studentSN members can play for free against each other.

A player will faster reach the next level, he can buy a virtual goods (E.g. sword, gift or outfit) with the studentSN credits. About dangerous and incalculable costs at the end of the month you must be according to founder and CEO, Ibrahim Tarlig, break your head. Each user has an account, which he can be charged with credits, the virtual cash. In contracts or subscriptions does not go thus from the outset. About studentSN the students service was Ugur Tarlig in July 2007 by Ibrahim Tarlig, and Samet Aras in life launched and has its headquarters in Berlin. Already now benefit about 700,000 Students, graduates and students of the practical and affordable services. Networking, planning and organization of events and learning communities in groups and personal messages, SMS sending Web2Mobile service for 5 cents in all tariffs, uploading and downloading of documents in the online library and download of mobile games worldwide: studentSN served the needs of young people with no subscription or contract obligation and creates genuine added value through service. About global game Center GGC was founded as the first E-pin distributor in Turkey in 2006 and ranks among the leading Spielgesellschafften of Turkey in the areas of production, localization services, and E-pin distribution trade in online gaming.

The Pike Technology GmbH

Augmented reality campaign: The Pike Technology GmbH is in finding staff breaking new ground Rohrbach / Pfaffenhofen the Pike Technology GmbH in Pfaffenhofen is always open-minded (mh) innovative ideas to. In the construction of machines and plants for bulk material industry as well as in finding employees. That shows an unusual campaign, which now has the company launched advertising & Marketing GmbH and Aurasma, one of the leading developers of augmented reality products, in partnership with the Baba ADVERMA. Thus, a classic advertisement learns running and talking cross-media. Augmented reality”(german: augmented reality or short AR) the magic word.

This is a new technology which lets merge the real and virtual world. Randall Rothenberg describes an additional similar source. One of the innovative AR products comes from Aurasma (www.aurasma.com) in the form of an app that can now detect over 500,000 images and objects in the print media and interactive content via Smartphone or Tablet PC to start. Aurasma has already over 3500 partners, a so-called aura”use, including international corporations such as, for example, Paramount Pictures, Panasonic, BMW or Hyundai. The number of partners by Aurasma takes this as rapidly as the number of users that download the Aurasma Lite app is from the Internet. Over three million owners of smartphones or Tablet PCs have already done so and recently they can bring also a display of Pike technologie GmbH (www.hecht.eu) in Pfaffenhofen alive so.

Through the cooperation with Aurasma the ADVERMA could open up another communication channel for the employee search advertising & Marketing GmbH (www.adverma.de), in the metropolitan area of Munich-Ingolstadt-based agency, their long-time customers. The Pike Technology GmbH is an internationally operating company that constructed machines and equipment for the internal fixed material supply in the pharmaceutical, food and chemical industry. The successful engineering company, which in the industry a reputation enjoys, has currently over 70 employees and is always on the lookout for qualified professionals.

Students Help

Tuition provider extends services on Facebook Gelsenkirchen, April 6, 2011. There regular learning tips, direct communication, the latest topics and events related to education and learning, great competitions and actions to take on Facebook from now the students help to be touched”. See students help pupils, parents of learn poverty-stricken children, teachers and the audience interested in education have the possibility of direct exchanges. “Education to be touched, current events or just go a few questions in between” clarify the student aid is available not only in about 1,000 stores in Germany and Austria, but now also around the clock and easily over the Internet available. “36 years of experience in tutoring and education we would not deprive that Facebook users”, so Marion Lauterbach, spokesperson of student aid.

This new form of communication provides the ideal complement to our Service offerings.” Becoming a fan of student assistance, this means, in all educational matters on the pulse of the time being, to take advantage of the best tips and tricks around the theme of learning and once to sit in the front row”. students help. On student aid: Student aid is one of the leading providers of qualified education and tutoring services in Germany and Austria. For 35 years, it offers individual tutoring in small groups of three to five students. The students help offers support in all major subjects for all classes and types of schools.

Qualified and motivated tutor individual care of each student and help him to improve his services permanently. This is also a scientific study of the University of Bayreuth. The student assistance promotes at about 1,000 locations more than 70,000 students annually. As important private training providers, students help holds a wide range, which in addition to tuition also Includes exam preparation and holiday courses. A quality management system, certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001, is used to achieve a high level of quality and customer orientation. With success, because 94 percent of customers are satisfied and would recommend the student help. The students help is premium partner of DeutschlandCard. With the loyalty program can students help customers collect points, redeem points and discounts to secure themselves.

Director Gerhard

Domain law: More expensive farewell to external agency is preventable the shops of renowned, medium-sized Ameres techno AG (name changed) go well for years. Annual sales exceeded EUR 30 million in 2010. The innovative Ameres techno wanted to present in the World Wide Web (www). 1999 managing director Gerhard N. instructed (name changed) the external marketing agency sunshine (name changed) to create a site for Ameres techno AG. With the sunshine agency subcontracts. The initially simple Ameres techno AG website gradually developed to the interactive platform for customers, partners and suppliers. The dissatisfaction with the marketing agency, not least because of increasingly poor quality of subcontractors used by sunshine but grew with time.

Managing Director Gerhard N. remembers: “in other areas of cooperation with sunshine it troubles. In November 2010, our patience was at the end. We wanted to pay the final bill and then with then restart by another marketing agency. And our own IT Department should take over the Ameres-techno Web site. ” But it was different.

“Sunshine turned transverse and suddenly demanded 50,000 euros for the transfer of the rights and move of the Ameres techno techno-Ameres website! We no longer have understood the world.”the CEO adds. in 2001, Sunshine had delivered “turnkey” and taken over all work to register the domain for Ameres techno AG. Instead of making the registration on behalf of and in the name of Ameres techno sunshine had not only as an administrative and technical contact person, but as a domain owner and thus as a contractual partner of the DENIC (Administrator of top level domain. de) register. Legally clear: Sunshine was the owner (“materially owner”) of the domain. There were no written agreements or signed over the rights to the domain. Ameres techno was mightily under pressure, because in addition to the domain had sunshine of course also the control over all, associated with the domain name, eMail addresses, such as or. Managing Director Gerhard N.: “it was at that time not only to the presentation of the company and our products on the Web. We use eMail to make 70% of our business! We have learned our lesson.” To keep the rights to the own domain can be essential for companies. The review of the data in the domain name register is very simple and takes less than 2 minutes. As an experienced Advisor Joachim son has can avert payment of 50,000 euro management consulting. And most importantly: the business of Ameres techno AG was not affected, all eMail addresses (@ameres.de) were, without any interruption, available and the website could Ameres-techno-IT will taken over by the. The own domain registration can be checked easily and quickly with a free tutorial. Joachim son advises management consulting companies and entrepreneurs to all online and Web topics, E.g. also at recover domain privileges, hoster selection, performance and quality optimization of websites and hosting, backup of the source material (E.g. photos and graphics) of the site. Son of Joachim consulting, Dr. Gunnar Joachim son

Working Student

Why is an activity as a working student worth Cologne, 25.07.2012. “Who is currently on JOBSUMA, the Jobsuchmaschine for students and graduates, student trainee” enters into the search bar, more than 5,000 abroad, of which several hundred are updated daily. Student work in addition to her studies in a company. The difference to internship and part-time job: The activity is from the outset in the longer term and can spread over the entire period of study. Opposite side jobs, takes on the working student either from the outset or gradual qualified activities or working on projects; compared to a trainee, the student trainee receives an even deeper insight into the company, its structures and procedures. During the semester students are allowed to work maximum 20 hours that the labour law prescribes. During the semester break, but this legal barrier falls away and student may also full-time answer.

There are currently the most jobs for working students, around 1,100, in the greater Munich area. On Rank two lands the capital of: who’s looking for a job as a student in Berlin, takes about 800 jobs on. The other courses followed by the Rhine-Main region, the Rhineland and the Rhine-Neckar region. Or humanities, nature – Economics: the proximity of the respective field of study is important in an activity as a working student. There are jobs for students of all disciplines. This shows the search on JOBSUMA for working student”: see the hits are for example job offers in the areas of marketing, PR, IT system management, financing and research. In comparison to the internship, the companies have to pay student. The hourly rate is usually between 8 and 14 euros gross.

The job up to 400 euro is free social security must be paid so no contributions for sickness and pension insurance. “JOBSUMA Sales Manager Michael Stephan sees in an activity as a working student only benefits: provides students an opportunity to apply learned knowledge at the University.” About JOBSUMA Jobsuma.de is Jobsuchmaschine for students and graduates. Currently, JOBSUMA is the suitable jobs for academics from about 1.3 million jobs in online job boards, career portals and corporate sites. Thus, students must crawl not a job after another and dozens of corporate sites to find an internship, a student job or the first correct position. JOBSUMA takes over this task and filters the request at the same time. Listed are only jobs and jobs that are of interest to students and graduates.