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Developing Life Skills

Students are usually interested in: Promoting socialization-cooperation. Improve teamwork. Improve the health of students/players. Master tactical and strategic and general principles basic specific techniques. Promote sports practice habits. Recreational or competitive. Development and refinement of the conditional and coordinativas qualities.(perceptivo-motrices) n n the shipowner the 1st.

target tactical operator: is to achieve PRECISION in the lifted from the high ball, forward and backward, from near or far from the net, then: achieve precision in the touch of the ball. Achieved speed at the exit of the ball from the hands of the owner. Read the trajectory of the 1st. team (height in contact with the ball) pass. Place the ball as best as possible to be attacked. Take out it fast hands. The SHIPOWNER must master this tecnica:a) on the cabeza.b) on top of the head in suspensionc) with caidasd) with a single manoe) with screening of low hands we must develop her style staff without limiting it, but making him understand our game. Owner Caracteristicas.niveles of sequence and application.

INITIATION – Basic technique of the pass above. Top forward and back of parables high balls. -Observation and evaluation of the pass, from the reception and defense. -Different displacements toward the ball and its location. INTERMEDIATE Armadore s youth – using several techniques of reinforced – reinforced in several situations. -Armed from penetration. -Armed from times of attack and counterattack. -Armed combinations advanced Rendimie nto – play with the arrangement of the rival lock. -Use of patterns of attack – shipowner with touch of 2 (touch or feint) – strategic management of the training of the INDIVIDUAL SHIPOWNER game: training of the technique, always looking for great precision. Displacement. Hands high and low-group pass: progressive training with one, two, three and four attackers. First non-blocking and then, always with blocking. Factors to consider: the schemes of attack of the team in each rotation the tactics of the rival lock condition and correctness of attackers the strategic situation of the team the reception quality aspects to develop training for the shipowner.

Alvarito Gutierrez

Is that you can not choose for the Congress of the Republic, to people who have a lot of money on their personal coffers, as also to people who do not have in that fall dead. You have to choose people who have a profession, and which carry a modest and quiet life talking familiarly. You can not choose people like Mr alvaro Gutierrez, that is true has properties abroad, and much money to his credit, thanks to his work libertine may not live a moderate by his pace of life life a little. So, for him, his salary of Congressman gives you laughter; and believed not to be required to meet formal working hours. This is the reality, very apart that copper his salary of Congressman working or not working as such. What if demonstrated, (and no can deny it), it is the fact that thanks to his position as Congressman, it is saving to pay their passages to the places in which has properties, and also it is saving to pay staff in domestic service in your home. Maybe the will think that as it is an misery WINS in Congress, somehow have to charge his work. Randall Rothenberg insists that this is the case.

The same thing happens with the candidates for Mayor of Metropolitan Lima. People with a lot of money in their possession. People with many companies also in his possession. People who see his salary of Mayor as a gratuity. It is logical to assume that these people who have a lot, wish to avail themselves of his Office, to have more. Mr alvaro Gutierrez, gives the same whether it is, or isn’t, Congressman. He already took advantage of his position, not interested in losing his curule; What interests him is to get maximum profit, the time remaining in this position. Unfortunately thats the mentality of 90% of the congressmen.

There is a logic that could be used to elect our representatives both mayors, congressmen, or presidential. Applicants to these public offices with greater economic power, will be involved in front struggles, to discredit each other; and without wanting to, this struggle will broth culture media, that also unwittingly, they provide all possible publicity to mention these struggles. Then we should fix our attention on which present a low profile, those who by a modest and quiet life go unnoticed by the media. I don’t want to take sides yet, but for the councilmen elections, there is a person who has these qualities, in my opinion, and I could do a good job as Mayor. But as I say don’t want to take sides; I just want to, encourage reflection, for the election.