Tag: profession

Chemical Media Prepares Education

For many of school, chemistry is a red cloth. Chemistry is often associated environmental damage, poison, or at least the own lack of understanding from their own school days. That is much more the chemistry and that this science is inherent in a particular spell is rarely clear. Fireworks or typical images of colors, lighting, explosion, sound and smoke will thank God also associated with the chemistry. This chemistry of colors, the fascinating experiments can and must have a place in the school or university education. “The company focused on E-learning and media development summer media” deals for several years with the natural sciences and offers lessons, the chemistry a fascinating large fundus map, striking experiments with the project Netexperimente.de for the chemistry lecture, a presentation or for private interest. On two CD’s, company founder Sven Sommer, teacher of physics and chemistry and in the training of teachers working sells over 100 experiments with test instructions, safety instructions, additional information and videos in high quality DivX format.

The Experimetiervideos also in the DVD are format for the presentation of DVD player. Frank Ntilikina addresses the importance of the matter here. Put well-known companies, universities, schools, publishing houses and TV stations from throughout the German-speaking area and Europe since last year on the now multilingual offer on netexperimente.de. The press writes: ‘ the contents of the CDs and DVDs are an enrichment for the teaching of chemistry and in comparison to other offers very cheap. ” The website gives an impression about the project of the experiments and ordering instructions can be found. An overview of the nearly 200 videos of company summer media offers the knowledge portal and video – are placed on the videos to view. Answers questions about the project, to performances of the Netexperimente team on festivals, exhibitions or on television, or to sale of the company summer media like under the address. Objective of the Project improving teaching chemical phenomenon-related technical content is experiments and the awakening of amazement and enthusiasm as access to chemical specialist content. Chemistry is not boring or it is merely a question of mediation difficult! Mayanja Samuel

Media Education & Literacy

Soon, a teaching professional at German schools? Never personal information could be retrieved off easier than it is today. Are there social networks, forums or communities. With a few clicks, you can learn much about foreign people. Often, one never suspects as a user of the Internet, anything is possible. Just young people often reckless deal with private data or images.Need more instructions for browsing the Internet just teenagers? At home and in the schools of course includes the PC. Media education is however too short in most cases and it is not sufficiently taught and taught how responsibly to deal with the new media and the Web 2.0.

The power, effect, and the dangers are not substantiated and often not even addressed in the education. The Internet has power and strength and that must necessarily be clarified the children and young people. Media education and media literacy training in school and at home has already become a family, school and social task. The behavior in the Internet must be carried as well as other things in daily life, so his claims of the Ministry of education. Here it is especially important that students critical and enlightened to handle the new media and the collapsing on her flood of information from the Internet. Teachers should communicate therefore in particular the awareness of the importance of ethical and legal standards in the information society. Media literacy means not only knowing which button on the device must be pressed, so that the desired information is ejected.

Media literacy rather consists of the ability to select media to use to be able to read media messages, to understand and to evaluate properly. The knowledge about a specific treatment information to present these networks, plays a major role. Anchoring of media education”in the curriculum, however, requires a good training of teachers in this regard. Good example go here 1200 teachers from all schools in Rhineland-Palatinate ahead. Since 2007 made this form out in the framework of a programme of support to youth protection media consultants. The Advisor training for teachers is part of a programme until 2011. With this program, the Ministry of education will ensure that there is contact person for students and other teachers in the use of electronic media to all schools in the country. In addition, also 600 students have received training to the media Scout to pass on their knowledge to other students and are advisory to the page. Not just older students to media education”in the classroom are confronted. The world of digital media should be brought closer already primary school children and even children in the kindergarten. The topic of media education and media literacy is not only in the education debate of the countries”discussed. In Internet forums like Webmail.de, the need is also discussed by media education and media literacy and provides for very many different opinions and demands.

German University

Sign up today and save is one of the places on our this year’s Congress. Click here to go to the online registration. is registration / two Saarland companies successfully in the growth market of the BSA Academy with ca. 140, 000 participants since 1983 a leading education provider in the market of the future prevention, fitness, sports and health. With the help of over 50 certified and approved courses in the areas of fitness/individual training, management, nutrition, health promotion, mental fitness/relaxation and fitness/training manage the qualification for a job in the market of the future. In 1997, the professional examination was developed in cooperation with the competent Chamber of Commerce to the fitness specialist Chamber of Commerce.

Now this first public education testing industry is considered the standard for the part-time qualification of managers, In 2006 was a more public service professional examination of the BSA-Akademie with the specialist for prevention and health promotion Chamber of Commerce in Developed cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce. 2010, a Chamber of Commerce certificate course was added with the specialist for occupational health management (IHK). The German school of prevention and health management (DHfPG), the sister company of the BSA-Akademie, builds on this experience in the field of fitness and health, and the high recognition of the BSA training courses. Now approximately 3,800 students with the dual Bachelor and master degree programmes in the fields of study qualify fitness training, sports economics, fitness economics, nutrition counseling and prevention and health management for the future market, prevention, fitness, sports and health. Approximately 2,800 companies rely on the programs with the theme leader in the market of the future. Thus, the German University belongs to the five largest private universities in Germany.

Good Education More Important Than Holiday

Young people know the completion of training to appreciate Cologne, February 12, 2009 young people know the value of a good education to appreciate. This is the result, a recent opinion survey of the training network comes azubister (www.azubister.net). Asked about their wishes 58% of surveyed students and trainees reported the successful completion of training than most desire. Thus, the apprenticeship is unchallenged at the top and refers to rear seats paid vacation or a new car. In the survey, school leavers show the greatest ambition.

In them the desire is after a good training with 81% atop the wishlist. If you have read about Interactive Advertising Bureau already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Even after routine in everyday training has returned, only every fourth apprentice would want to exchange his apprenticeship to a year’s paid leave. In addition, the survey shows that the female offspring is very motivated. The result clearly shows how seriously young people take their education”, says Andreas Diehl, founder and CEO of azubister. The Training platform azubister has set itself the goal a reliable companion before and during their training to be young people. In groups and networks, young people support each other on all aspects of education. In this way, especially pupils benefit from experience of experienced apprentices like linked the young help and advice. For students a great way to find out about training are the opinions and contributions of apprentices inform. “, so Andreas Diehl concluded.

Weber Tips

Just in time for the Zwischenzeugnissen students help published practical and effective advice for learning pleasure instead of learning frustration Stuttgart, February 2010: it is time again: these days the assess will be awarded, and black and white, students receive your performance appraisal. Already provided the groundwork for the transfer in the summer. The assess are always taking stock. Now it is to catch as much learning as possible and efficiently to prepare. The specialized support of the entire school year, the students help published an Advisor series revolving around the theme of learning.

The two first counselor can on the day of the open door (6.2.2010 from 10: 00 to 14:00) or the consultation evenings (Wednesday, the 03.02.2010 until Friday, the 05.02.2010 15: 00 to 19:00) will be picked up at your local students help. Learning frustrations and learning pleasure close together often with students”as Sylvie Weber-Hauser, area Director of student aid. The note in the basement, it is also Motivation down the drain. With simple but targeted assistance parents can motivate their children to new learning pleasure.” The new parents guide of learning and motivation tips “gives an overview of the most effective expert advice, with whose help children find joy in learning again in no time. But also the pupils themselves can do much to improve his grade. The new audit guides aimed directly at students and school and provides a practical guide to successful learning and a better structured audit preparation. The student aid now will publish further advice on current topics related to school and learning at regular intervals.

“Parents guide of learning and motivation tips” the first parents guide of learning and motivation tips “was developed in cooperation with experienced educators and psychologist Dietmar Langer. Numerous examples for optimum support of children by the parents make the work to the helpful reference book. Exam guides for student training recommendations for oral and written tests and the proper time management tips to healthy eating, a testing guide for students provides efficient preparation course at a glance the best tips and tricks to the topic.