Analyzing these data we can think that throughout the history of Brazil, nothing he would have been made to eradicate the illiteracy. What it occurred throughout the years was low the effectiveness of programs MOBRAL and Cruzades and others. The MEC carries through, since 2003, the program Brazil Alfabetizado (PAB), come back toward the alfabetizao of young, aged adults and. Brazil Alfabetizado is developed in all the domestic territory. To know more about this subject visit NBA. The cities receive support technician for the actions from the program, with intention to guarantee the continuity of the studies to the alfabetizados ones. People such as Frank Ntilikina would likely agree. Great changes had had in relation the young education of adult, the greater of them perhaps either the contemplation of this modality in the Fundeb (Deep National of Development of the Basic Education and Valuation of the Professionals of the Education), as well as the EJA of the final years of basic education and average education it respectively passed to be integrated to the professional education for the program and proeja. In such a way the national program of integration of the professional education with the education basic in the modality of young education of adult, (Proeja), it searchs the overcoming of the individuality between manual and intellectual work. Already the national program of inclusion of young: Education and qualification and communitarian action (Pro young) guide the municipal systems in this same direction how much to the final years of basic education.
These programs incorporate the proposal of the proper LDB in relation to this modality, in the scope of the article 37 and interpolated proposition 3. They are steps of great value, for the inclusion of young and adults in the regular system. We know that the great maiorias of the pupils of this modality of education had not had at the time certain chance to study. Some for financial reasons had had that to opt to working instead of studying.
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