Launch of the new Academy for educational research and teacher training (ABL) at the Goethe University in a major trade event. FRANKFURT. Change of course new ways to professionalize teacher training”: under this title discussed high-level speakers from science, economics, politics and education and then celebrated the opening of the newly founded Academy of educational research and teacher education (ABL). With the Academy, the study should be reformed structurally and in terms of content and in the University Education ensures sufficient practical experience and deepening ways at the Goethe University. In addition, young scientists in educational research is encouraged. The keynote of the event was Dr Helge Braun, Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of education and research (BMBF). The Keynot spoke of the Humboldt University of Berlin Prof. Heinz-Elmar Tenorth. In the subsequent discussion board Secretary Ingmar Jung discussed by the Hessian Ministry of for science and art with some education researchers on the future of teacher education. With the founding of the Academy, the Goethe University is a visible sign of the profile of the College, where education plays a central role. With this change of course the Frankfurt concept aims to position itself, not only in Hesse, but also in the entire region and beyond. “Only an attractive academics can continue in the next phase of the strong fall in student numbers so Frankfurt,” stressed Prof. Matthias Lutz-Bachmann, Vice President of the Goethe University. Task of the ABL is to ensure the quality of the courses in which she engages all disciplines involved in teacher training in issues of teacher education and specifically designed with this curriculum and organisation and co-ordinated. Also the Academy campaigned for the development of new courses on topics such as migration, inclusion and new media. The ABL further development is the major aim of strengthening practice, the basic sciences in the so-called Education Sciences ‘ meet.