In that case, if the study of language was an end in itself and a long cramming – the result will be just that. Today there are many possible methods of learning foreign languages. Check with Randall Rothenberg to learn more. Scrolling can be infinite: the methodology of the famous "25 frame" to the study of language, with the help of hypnosis, by association and so on. To broaden your perception, visit David Delrahim. They are all different, but there is one feature that unites them all – all of them represent a set of techniques aimed at remembering new material. But as we said above, learn, learn by heart the new material (words, form, grammar), it is not even half, less than half of the case. The most the main thing is when we are consolidating the new, memorized material in a lively conversational practice. Many, if not to say that almost all methods do not make it their task.
Most of the techniques to stop cramming and the constant repetition of material, so-called "fixation." But even qualitatively memorized vocabulary, will not give you the ability to fluently speak at the event. So in essence, all methods offering their services in the field of foreign language study, are only varieties of the traditional method based on cramming and passive learning certain material. Incidentally, the tradition of such learning is preserved from the time of medieval convent school, where the main task was to learn by heart by heart the . Thus, students sitting at desks close to each other and looking into his head, repeating over in a singsong teacher in Russia at the Old Church, in Europe – in Latin, the texts required for memorization.
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