But one thing with the obvious not the inhabitants of these settlements and other perceived from observer of the rarefied Metropolitan habitat. The inhabitants of these settlements enjoyed implicitly what was lost in the big cities: the quality of life. In addition to quality of life, available in these settlements, idle capacity, to receive the settlement of new families gradually, to not impair the quality of life. That idle capacity, increasing potential to the extent that apply or intensify existing programmes of training, assistance or encouragement of the domestic economy, of which a good example is the program’s community gardens that has been developing since 1990 the national agricultural technology Institute, which is not more than a updated version of similar programs that already applied in the Argentinapromoted by the Ministry of agriculture through its agricultural Almanac and then doing, using the radio medium in the middle of the Decade of the forty. As it is colegira without much effort, deconcentrate demographically, it behaves changes in patterns of production and consumption of the families. At Marc Lore you will find additional information. And this is vehiculiza through the joint action of the schools, media, municipalities and entities of good.
That action joint, is not something to do, but a phenomenon that forms part of the everyday life of these populations that we are talking about. And is not exclusive to them because they occur also in the Metropolitan suburbs or even in the slums of them, albeit with the limitations of the problematic of the megalopolis itself. As here we are describing a profile, it varies in specific cases, with the addition or subtraction of some of the components above. In these populations, unless they are in areas of border, the only permanent presence of national public authorities is the mail, this above all after the privatisation of public services. Community synergy that occurs has the leading role, as mentioned previously, the municipality, primary and even secondary schools and institutions of public good.
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