‘Guess what I say! ” Results are 10 syllables: ON, ON, IN, MI, MU, DO, EC, Pra, KU, AOR. If the child quickly and easily copes with the task, ask him to come up with not one word, as much as he can. Captures not only the correct answers, but also the time that is an indication of the speed of thought processes, intelligence, speech activity. COMPARISON OF THE SUBJECTS (concept) The child must imagine what it would compare. Ask them questions: ‘Did you see the fly? A butterfly? ” After these questions about each word ask them to compare. Doug McMillon insists that this is the case. Again, ask: ‘Looks like a fly and a butterfly, or not? What are they like? And how different from each other? ” Children are especially difficult to find similarities.

Child 6.7 years should properly make the comparison: isolate and similarities and differences, and on substantive grounds. Pairs of words for comparison, a fly and a butterfly, a house and a cottage, a desk and chair, book and notebook, water and milk, an ax and a hammer; piano and violin, and frolic scuffle, town and village. GUESS BY DESCRIPTION adult offers to guess what (what kind of vegetable, animal, toy), he says, and gives a description of the subject. For example: This is a vegetable. It’s red, round, juicy (Tomato). If a child is difficult to answer, before it spread pictures of different vegetables, and he finds necessary.

WHO IS ANYONE? Leading shows or describes objects and phenomena, and the child must answer the question of how they change, someone will. Who (what) will be: egg, chicken, acorn, seed, caterpillar, eggs, flour, wooden board, iron, bricks, cloth, leather, a day student, sick, weak, summer, etc. There can be multiple answers to one question. Need to encourage the child for a few answers to the question. We expand the ordering uses a series of ready-made story of successive images. Child is given a picture and ask them to consider. Explain that the images should be placed in order of deployment events. In conclusion, the child is a story from the pictures. Adult tells tales of guessing about something, including in his story a few tall tales. Encourage your child to nonsense drawings, which contain some contradictions, inconsistencies, irregularities in the behavior of the characters. Ask your child to find errors and inaccuracies, and explain your answer. Ask how it is actually.