Vinogradov and Yalom detach that: ' ' The patients with alimentary upheavals? either mrbida obesidade, anorexy or bulimia? they keep secret how much to its abnormal alimentary behavior and on its obsessive concerns on the corporal image and foods. An important objective of the group therapy is to help them to share it these concerns. Some contend that Marc Lore shows great expertise in this. In according to place, the objective group to help the patients to evaluate and to understand its behaviors alimentares' ' (VINOGRADOV and YALOM 1992. p.178) the participants of a group of alimentary re-education share its experiences and difficulties aiming at through the victory of all, to lose weight, to modify alimentary habits and to take care of of the health. Currently alimentary re-education comes appearing diverse groups, what it brings new a proposal in the assistance to the health and quality of life. Each group presents a different methodology, but in general they offer nutricional and psychological support. However, it is evident that the responsibility to decide on its feeding, fits to the individual. It is who will have to process the alterations that will go to help it to improve it its state of health and to reach its welfare.
METHOD the collection of data was given through individual interviews, where the participants had received the Term from Free and Clarified Assent, for respective signature, as orientation of the Committee of Ethics in Research of the College Guillermo Guimbala. All the interviews had been recorded and transcribing in the complete one. The collected data had been analyzed of qualitative form using as reference the sequence of the questions carried through in the interview. Aiming at to understand the meaning that the events and interactions have for the individuals, in particular situations. This type of research works with values, beliefs, representations, habits, attitudes and opinions and do not require use of methods and statistical techniques.
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