Tag: psychology

College Guillermo Guimbala

Vinogradov and Yalom detach that: ' ' The patients with alimentary upheavals? either mrbida obesidade, anorexy or bulimia? they keep secret how much to its abnormal alimentary behavior and on its obsessive concerns on the corporal image and foods. An important objective of the group therapy is to help them to share it these concerns. Some contend that Marc Lore shows great expertise in this. In according to place, the objective group to help the patients to evaluate and to understand its behaviors alimentares' ' (VINOGRADOV and YALOM 1992. p.178) the participants of a group of alimentary re-education share its experiences and difficulties aiming at through the victory of all, to lose weight, to modify alimentary habits and to take care of of the health. Currently alimentary re-education comes appearing diverse groups, what it brings new a proposal in the assistance to the health and quality of life. Each group presents a different methodology, but in general they offer nutricional and psychological support. However, it is evident that the responsibility to decide on its feeding, fits to the individual. It is who will have to process the alterations that will go to help it to improve it its state of health and to reach its welfare.

METHOD the collection of data was given through individual interviews, where the participants had received the Term from Free and Clarified Assent, for respective signature, as orientation of the Committee of Ethics in Research of the College Guillermo Guimbala. All the interviews had been recorded and transcribing in the complete one. The collected data had been analyzed of qualitative form using as reference the sequence of the questions carried through in the interview. Aiming at to understand the meaning that the events and interactions have for the individuals, in particular situations. This type of research works with values, beliefs, representations, habits, attitudes and opinions and do not require use of methods and statistical techniques.

Psychologist. Bereavement. Tips Psychologist

In this article we consider one of the many cases probably as difficult for man to come to terms with the loss of a close person to him. We consider one of these situations and learn the opinion of professional psychologists in this about. QUESTION: Hi! My name is Kathy. I'm 18 years old. I am in college student.

I used myself to cope with their problems. But this case is an exception … 3 months ago died very dear to me people – my grandmother … Follow others, such as Frank Ntilikina, and add to your knowledge base. I have resigned to this loss. But the problem is that I can not sleep at night. I do not know why … I can not, and all fell asleep just before dawn … Help me please explain that to me and how I handle it? Maybe I need psychologist.

Thanks in advance. ANSWER: Vera L. Komarova MoskvKatya psychologist, of course, is loud and solemnly: 'I used to own to cope with their problems. " And it's important to take help, ask for help. This is – OK, do not take on yourself more than you can move … Relationship – it balances the 'take-give'. Think about it. 'Come to terms with this loss (grandmother )'… No, not reconciled. The brain makes a 'put up' and the soul does not accept this loss does not let go … My grandmother was an important person for you. She died last night? Older people are often not enough sleep, complain of a short nap, usually say that 'fall asleep in the morning' …

Guessing Riddles

‘Guess what I say! ” Results are 10 syllables: ON, ON, IN, MI, MU, DO, EC, Pra, KU, AOR. If the child quickly and easily copes with the task, ask him to come up with not one word, as much as he can. Captures not only the correct answers, but also the time that is an indication of the speed of thought processes, intelligence, speech activity. COMPARISON OF THE SUBJECTS (concept) The child must imagine what it would compare. Ask them questions: ‘Did you see the fly? A butterfly? ” After these questions about each word ask them to compare. Doug McMillon insists that this is the case. Again, ask: ‘Looks like a fly and a butterfly, or not? What are they like? And how different from each other? ” Children are especially difficult to find similarities.

Child 6.7 years should properly make the comparison: isolate and similarities and differences, and on substantive grounds. Pairs of words for comparison, a fly and a butterfly, a house and a cottage, a desk and chair, book and notebook, water and milk, an ax and a hammer; piano and violin, and frolic scuffle, town and village. GUESS BY DESCRIPTION adult offers to guess what (what kind of vegetable, animal, toy), he says, and gives a description of the subject. For example: This is a vegetable. It’s red, round, juicy (Tomato). If a child is difficult to answer, before it spread pictures of different vegetables, and he finds necessary.

WHO IS ANYONE? Leading shows or describes objects and phenomena, and the child must answer the question of how they change, someone will. Who (what) will be: egg, chicken, acorn, seed, caterpillar, eggs, flour, wooden board, iron, bricks, cloth, leather, a day student, sick, weak, summer, etc. There can be multiple answers to one question. Need to encourage the child for a few answers to the question. We expand the ordering uses a series of ready-made story of successive images. Child is given a picture and ask them to consider. Explain that the images should be placed in order of deployment events. In conclusion, the child is a story from the pictures. Adult tells tales of guessing about something, including in his story a few tall tales. Encourage your child to nonsense drawings, which contain some contradictions, inconsistencies, irregularities in the behavior of the characters. Ask your child to find errors and inaccuracies, and explain your answer. Ask how it is actually.

Educational Material

The motivation to learn is involved in multiple factors, that if imply mutually and that even so let us can analyze them separately, is one part all that it depends, wants in its nature, wants in its quality, of a series of conditions inside and outside of the school. methods used for the professors in classroom so that reach the objectives of disciplines, many times they are not efficient, this sample that exactly having the professor total domain of the content of it disciplines is conditional the organized structure which leciona. The learning is an extremely complex phenomenon, involving emotional, social, educational and cultural aspects. The learning is resultant of the development of aptitudes and knowledge, as well as of the transference of these for new situations. The process of organization of the information and integration of the material to the social and educational structure is what the educators call learning, is necessary to reflect that each individual presents a set of percipient strategies that mobilize the learning process. In other words, each person learns its way, skill, style and rhythm.

The motivation can still be learned as a process or as a product. When we relate in them to the optimism of an accumulation of theories, ideas concepts, the motivation appears as a resultant product of these learnings, but as all product is indissocivel of a process, can then look at the knowledge as an intellectual activity through which the exterior apprehension of something to the person is made. In the social level we can consider the learning as one of the polar regions of the pair teach-learning, whose synthesis constitutes the educative process. Such process understands all the dedicated behaviors to the transmission of the learning, also the objectified ones as institutions that, specify and promote the education. With this one understands that the development of the individual is a process that if of the one of is for inside, being that the half influence the motivation of the pupil in the teach-learning process.


Values are also things as Justice, the Love, the Pleasure, Solidarity. (SOURCES, 2007) All the concepts above cited only come to still more exaltar the importance of the education of values, when definitions meet that say; the values are the objective and/or subjective manifestations of somebody; they are the importance of determined things; beyond still assuming, the valorativo character that helps to define gostos, feelings, sensations, opinions, judgments, that will indicate pain or joy. Values as love, respect, fraternity, solidarity in against-sense with the revenge, the hatred, the envy. This axiollogy, this theory of values that as much in the aid, but that if used in wrong way or until if not even they will be taught and stimulated its use, in the schools, the families they will make much lack for the social development and of the future interpersonal relations of the pupils, children and futures citizens. Still searching definitions of the ethical and moral values observing itself what if it can define as being Ethical and as being Moral, making an analysis that tries to distinguish the two concepts for one better agreement, a time that the concepts if seem, but is not identical. Some definitions are followed below that can clarify these concepts.

) the ethical one: 1. study of the referring judgments of appreciation to the behavior human being of the point of view of the good and the evil; 2.conjunto of norms and principles that guide the good behavior of the human being. (AURLIO, 2001, P. 300) b) ethical: sets of rules and values which if submits to the facts and the actions human beings, to appreciate them and distinguiz them; moral. (LUFT, 2005, P. 358) c) ethical: reflection on the beddings of the moral. What it characterizes the ethics is its dimension staff, that is, the effort of the man to base and to legitimize its behavior.

Student Behavior

The Perception of bullying for the students of the school Pliny We read Puxinan – PB. Monograph (Graduation in Full licenciatura in Biology), State University Valley of Acara – UVA/UNAVIDA 34p. 2010. Bullying is an English term used to describe intentional acts of violence between students with the objective to intimidate or to attack incapable individuals of if defending, causing executed pain and suffering inside of a different relation of being able. The objective of the work was to analyze the knowledge level and of association of the term bullying with practical the aggressive attacks in the school Pliny We read in the city of Puxinan-PB. The research was carried through in the period of July the September of 2010, using a sample of 100 students of basic education between 11 and 17 years, through a composed questionnaire for 12 questions related to the familiar, social and mannering connivance, being the data represented in percentages through graphs. In accordance with the results of the questionnaires, 91% of the pupils had admitted not to know what he is bullying whereas only 8% had admitted to know the term.

With regard to perception of the students in what it says respect to be victims of bullying, 20% suffer or already they had suffered beatings, 11% already had been victims of preconception for being poor or for being black, this year inside of the school, 82% already they had suffered physical aggressions and verbal in this school this year, enters the reason of aggressions predominates the anger and the revenge. 90% of the searched pupils had confessed to have attacked some colleague this year, 40% had nicknamed, 17% had called palavres, 15%empurraram, the alternatives as: kicks gozaes, you cover, murros and kicks will add 28%. Therefore it was possible to evidence to the end of this work that the lack of educational projects directed toward peace cultures, the socialization of the young and the spreading of the subject bullying contributes for one high index of disinformation regarding the subject bullying on the part of the adolescents of the school Pliny reads in the city of Puxinan-PB. Words? key: Bullying; Perception of the students; Daily pertaining to school.