Values are also things as Justice, the Love, the Pleasure, Solidarity. (SOURCES, 2007) All the concepts above cited only come to still more exaltar the importance of the education of values, when definitions meet that say; the values are the objective and/or subjective manifestations of somebody; they are the importance of determined things; beyond still assuming, the valorativo character that helps to define gostos, feelings, sensations, opinions, judgments, that will indicate pain or joy. Values as love, respect, fraternity, solidarity in against-sense with the revenge, the hatred, the envy. This axiollogy, this theory of values that as much in the aid, but that if used in wrong way or until if not even they will be taught and stimulated its use, in the schools, the families they will make much lack for the social development and of the future interpersonal relations of the pupils, children and futures citizens. Still searching definitions of the ethical and moral values observing itself what if it can define as being Ethical and as being Moral, making an analysis that tries to distinguish the two concepts for one better agreement, a time that the concepts if seem, but is not identical. Some definitions are followed below that can clarify these concepts.

) the ethical one: 1. study of the referring judgments of appreciation to the behavior human being of the point of view of the good and the evil; 2.conjunto of norms and principles that guide the good behavior of the human being. (AURLIO, 2001, P. 300) b) ethical: sets of rules and values which if submits to the facts and the actions human beings, to appreciate them and distinguiz them; moral. (LUFT, 2005, P. 358) c) ethical: reflection on the beddings of the moral. What it characterizes the ethics is its dimension staff, that is, the effort of the man to base and to legitimize its behavior.