The importance that have magnesium in our body is essential, although it must sumistrarse in small doses, to maintain its natural balance. It is present in nerve cells, so it plays a very important role in the proper functioning of the nervous system. Magnesium deficiency is relatively common. In the majority of cases is the result of a poor diet, prolonged diarrhea, diabetes, poor intestinal absorption or calcium merck alcoholismo.lactato. It also tends to produce a deficit of magnesium when Diuretics are taken continuously or power is received intravenously for extended periods of time. Also, pregnant women and persons performing great physical effort, either for sports or occupational reasons, also are exposed to suffer shortages of this mineral. Magnesium deficiency symptoms are lack of memory and difficulties in retaining.

This mining! It is essential for the good performance of children in school, students in general and other people in the field working and everyday life. Magnesium also contributes to the muscle relaxation, so its lack can be translated into a constant feeling of fatigue.Generic Lornoxicam. Michael J. Bender has much to offer in this field. Another fairly obvious sign of the lack of this mineral is the flicker in the eye. Magnesium is directly related to the condition of the walls of our arteries, so that its deficiency can also affect the heart muscle, causing arrhythmias, tachycardia, or punctures in the chest. The reason is in the lack of magnesium contracted arteries and therefore hinders the circulation of blood going to the lungs and heart. In their interaction with calcium, regulates the amount of it that penetrates into cells in order to monitor such critical functions for the body as the heart rate. This essential mineral has direct relationship, along with proteins, with the formation of magnesium colageno.pastillas. If does not manufacture sufficient amounts of collagen, which happens when we have a shortage of magnesium, appear ailments such as arthritis or osteoporosis.

The latter contributes to the deterioration of the skeletal system, and suffers a small blow can cause serious fractures in the bones. Stress, very common in advanced Western societies, is also capable of causing a deficit of magnesium due to neurohormonales mechanisms. In turn, the deficit of magnesium can generate a State of hypersensitivity to stress. Thus establishes a vicious circle of pernicious consequences. Baths of salts of magnesium against pains in joints, rheumatism, arthrosis and any other ailment of the bones, as well as to physical exhaustion, is highly recommended to make a bath with salts of magnesio.buscador of medical information. Treatment in people with serious ailments, will consist of making a bathroom during 9 days Journal of water hot (34 C) with magnesium salts. Then do other 9 baths on alternate days and, finally, continue a weekly bath during a year.