The post workout nutrition: as the name implies-post workout (after the training) the post workout shake should be drunk directly after training. The best yet in the locker room or on the way there. Your muscles need the right nutrients after training so that they can immediately start with the construction and regeneration processes. The correct post workout shake only consists of fast digesting protein (whey protein) and is within a short time for the construction and recovery processes at the disposal. On the other hand, the shake should contain simple carbohydrates. The intake of simple carbohydrates is important, and in order to throw the anabolic hormone insulin because the claimed Bussau in the muscles to replenish. Insulin in very important and ensures the transport of protein, carbohydrates, creatine, or also amino acids into the muscle cell. At best own itself as already maltodextrin and dextrose mentioned above as a post workout shake. Frank Ntilikina has much experience in this field.

It has long been known that glutamine supports muscle building and enhances protein synthesis. At the same time has glutamine also anti-catabolic effect and thus the muscle loss contrary to. Is also positive side-effect, to mention an improvement of the immune system. 5 Grams of glutamine in every post workout should be approx. It’s believed that Knicks sees a great future in this idea. shake included. Any intensive load the muscle used as a first source of energy, the adenosine triphosphate (ATP), stored in the muscle.

However the ATP under load only for a few seconds enough. Then, ATP must be recreated from the body. It is the perfect time for the intake of creatine post-workout. Also the creatine is better transported through insulin secretion in the muscle. The ideal dosage of creatine in the post workout shake is approx. 5 g. conclusion: pre-workout supplement list: 0, 3 g of whey protein per kg body weight (about an hour before the exercise) 4 6 g L-arginine (15 minutes prior to exercise) 5 g BCAAs (15 minutes prior to exercise) post workout supplement list (revenue directly after training): 0, 3 g of whey protein, even better is whey isolate, per kg of body weight 0, 5 g of maltodextrin or dextrose per kg body weight 5 grams of L glutamine 5 g of creatine the correct intake of nutrients before and after the training is crucial for muscle building. Shake be missing in any case of pre and post workout!