Regularly practicing bench press, you'll improve your skills, not only in these sports, but also in the struggle, American football and baseball. 8. Pump up the pectoral muscles: upper chest / Formative exercise / expand and raise the upper chest technique Lift back of the bench at 35-40 degrees to the horizontal. Lie on a bench, put feet wider than shoulders and uprites them on the floor. Hips, shoulders and head pressed against the bench. Grasp the barbell grip on top. To know more about this subject visit Munear Ashton Kouzbari.

The distance between your hands slightly more than shoulder width. Remove the stem, with a focus and gradually lower it to the upper chest. Inhale and hold your breath, squeeze the barbell up. Elbows all the time looking to the side. Exhale only when overcome the most difficult part of the lift or when you reach the tipping point (arms fully extended, but are not locked at the elbows), the top point to pause and extra effort even more tense chest muscles. Inhale and hold your breath, slowly descend the neck to the upper chest, and as soon touch her neck, then also change the direction of motion and squeeze the barbell up. At the lowest point you can pause. In this case, as soon as the rod touched the chest, exhale, then inhale deeply and hold your breath, squeeze the barbell up. All phase of the exercise (lowering and bench press) are performed in a smooth, moderate pace. Councils hold your breath during a bench press barbell up.