The dialogue can be established of direct or indirect form, as the temperament of each person. To read more click here: Frank Ntilikina. Any process of relation with the other will only be able to occasion effect positive, if focused in the corresponding 0 variable to the individual process. The individual capacity of living the experience of the level concrete to the abstract level having as base, the sensorial function and as consequence, the conceitualizao must be respected occurring the complete cycle in all the experiences of internal relation (the individual world) and external (integration capacity with the external world). Appeared language The appeared language is that used one for the speaker, to facilitate to the message and the understanding, for the receiver of the message; therefore she is used through comparative or symbolic figures. When using the expression ‘ ‘ you are one flor’ ‘ , the person who speaks wants to say that to another one it is a delicate and sensible beauty, but also can be if relating that offences without if defending in safe way not accepted. For being more easy to learn with what she sees yourself the person she can learn with more easiness and more praticidade when, what it says itself can touch or same it has already has constant contact. She is much more difficult, somebody to understand what a microscope, without never Having seen one before or if does not know so that it serves.

In contrast, if a person sees e, can touch, know so that she serves the device in its hands will be able to understand and to know to explain, when will be defendant. A man of the field is much more easy to know what he means the time of the sowing, harvest, full, estiagem, in relation to a plantation, of what a person who never can arrive at the direct contact with the land, the seeds, its types and its species. The learning made for proximity has this objective. We will say more on the subject, in the learning topic. The fellow creatures are capable to carry through many prodigies, while the opposites if attract stop later if moving away. Therefore the popular dictated one is so necessary: ‘ ‘ the opposites if attract, but the fellow creatures are felizes.’ ‘ The fellow creatures have complicity and face the obstacles more calmly, while the opposites or strangers cannot get the proximity necessary to reach the objective. The appeared language used and to be well received is necessary that the speaker or what it passes the message, either capable to understand the figures that will be part of its communication, thus also to know that what receives the message, either entendedor of the language figures. A good example is the infantile estrias, which have a message of moral education, ethical and social in them.

children and the adults learn very with these estrias, that teach on the friendship and the sincerity. 1 Joint of tending pedagogical norms to the general development of the body and the spirit; action to educate; courtesy, polidez, instruction. 2 Is action or art, application to the things of the spirit; state of what it has intellectual development, study, the level of a collective, instruction, to know, care, perfection.