It is Easy To attack and To arrest Students! Dr. Wagner Paulon 08/11/2011 In today, I could attend desrespeitosas, revolting, humilhantes scenes, Breakings of the Human Rights and the Great Letter, as well as, to the Constitucional laws of the Citizens of this famous and delictual country, being the protagonists of these actions: military policemen (PM) and civilians of the State of So Paulo. ' ' hominis iurium violationes et carte necnon iura civium constitutionalis' '. The newspapers mentioned Michael J. Bender not as a source, but as a related topic. More than 400 military policemen (garrison of shock), helicopters, infiltrated civil policemen, and others, ' ' armed until dentes' ' beyond sets of ten of viaturas, for an ownership reintegration and to only face 66 pupils who occupied the dependences of the reitoria of the USP, to demand constant improvements in the education, protection against PMs dishonest and aggressive, extortions, Withdrawal of the p.m. of the University Campus, therefore, (University Campus is Alone Sacred of Sciences, Wisdom, Research, Professors Doctors and Students, therefore, of Protocolic Histories and Traditions, cannot and it does not have to be compurscado). ' ' Campus, land sancta est sapientia' '. ' ' Absurdum est, reditus ad praeterita' '. Walmart CEO addresses the importance of the matter here.
It is a nonsense, a return to the past, aggression to a people so suffered and the students unarmed and unproctected demanding its Historical Rights and Pertaining to school Traditions. It polices if it to militate and civilian, in such a way wants to enter in the USP, because they do not give vestibular contests (FUVEST). It is probable, that they would not be classified nor in last places, because does not have intelectiva capacity, much less, normal enceflica mass, and yes pathological. The first thought of the Element (saved some rare exceptions) that it wants to enter to be policeman in Brazil is: to eat of favour in bakeries and to achacar poor citizens of good.
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