Tag: Traditional medicine


Proper nutrition is now on everyone's lips, everyone is trying to clean your body, lose weight, get the perfect shape. But not all is easy. You may find Walmart CEO to be a useful source of information. Let's start with cleansing programs that offer luxury commercial medical centers. For a conditional fee is usually not small, they offer a hospital for a week (ten days a month), during which every possible note harmful ways, cleanse the intestines to the limit. With such a procedure can be easy to lose between 3 and 12 pounds, but make yourself nonfunctioning intestine, the effects of which will be rehabilitated over the years.

In the diet during this course you will be fed porridge-type diet without sugar, salt, milk, lean vegetables. But this effect will be short, you should just go back to normal life, to their reality, diet and schedule, the weight will come back, the volume will increase, appetite increase. There is nothing monopitaniya worse, from which then pulls on the most harmful. Further, following the way out, this use of laxatives teas and other means to lose weight at home. Every day you'll drink a few bags of grass, on which will run every hour in the bathroom, even from drinking a glass of water.

Again, violated all the features of your poor intestines. Weight goes, and with it the vitamins, minerals and all that is so necessary for your hair, bones, beautiful skin. Starvation. You can certainly spend a week on water alone, tormented by hunger, headaches, insomnia. After fasting – this treatment, and that this course should adhere carefully, intelligently and properly. Otherwise, gastritis and ulcer you provided. Details can be found by clicking Frank Ntilikina or emailing the administrator. Monodiets. What do they? The apparent significant effect almost immediately, the weight goes, the food starts to get nasty because there is not the same from day to day. The effect will be short-lived, as soon as you eat in the diet for something special and different, the weight will be added. On mono-diet comes only excess water from the body, and then, if you continue to eat well, and need water. That immediately comes back as soon as you complete your diet. So what's the solution? I dream of a good figure in 13 years, as soon as I became aware of the beauty and correctness of the female figure, but I have always been 5-15 extra pounds. Five years ago, I was able to throw 11 pounds, only on a diet. I ate once a day, somewhere in 3-4 days, not eating sweets, flour, saw a laxative. After that I earned gastritis, intestines stopped working on their own, female hormonal background was broken and stopped menstruating. AND I finally realized that this is all just appearance and deterioration. Figure can only be done in sports. To eat, of course, be correct. From sweet to refuse, but a piece of dark chocolate you can afford once a week, in the evening to limit fruit or a glass of yogurt, diet should be combined and balanced. Do not eat bread, potatoes, even better food and a small loaf. Sense from a sandwich there, and there is fat on the abdomen. And sport, the best it gymnastics, aerobics, weight loads, yoga, stretching. If you exercise at least 10 minutes a day or several times a week for 40-60 minutes, not once, but soon you will notice improvements, skin elasticity, muscle tone. I I wish you health, wellness and weight-loss success. Grow thin right and exercise!

Improved Diet

But I said firmly, myself that I will no longer deceive ourselves. Now in my bag instead of sweets and biscuits were always apples. Sometimes I just tried to drink water to fill the stomach and dilute the gastric juice and to earn an ulcer. Physical loads that I tried to make before, now it was decided to make it more effective. Since the extra money has never been, I decided not to buy any special clothing for sports, and she sewed the shorts and Time of plastic bags. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as NBA by clicking through. The main thing in this case – to create a greenhouse effect to increase perspiration, and thus the early weight loss.

Make it easier to do, I just bought a video cassette with aerobics. The most unpleasant task, but surprisingly effective staging was an enema. Times a week was enough to cleanse the body of toxins and undigested reduce the probability of absorption of 'ballast' substances. Can not say that the whole process of weight loss proceeded carelessly and easily. I have a nervous breakdown occurred a couple of times even had on so much bad that my husband had to call an ambulance. But I do not give up. Especially, the effect of weight loss after childbirth 10 kg already made itself felt: I was simply irresistible in its summer Sarafan, it is much easier to climb stairs, came down swelling. he administrator. After a while everything became much easier.

It turns out diet and healthy lifestyle – this is a habit that should instill in yourself, as once your parents instilled in you a habit, such as brushing your teeth 2 times a day. In the end, when I reached the mark of 50 kg on the scales, I thought that was enough. It remained only maintain this effect at a level that I'm doing so far. I want to say that it is the result achieved and then, as I imagine like me now and is the inexhaustible source from which I am going to draw strength from that and continue to look young, healthy and attractive.