It informed Adelmo. Bencio shook the head. – Is it also healer? Wizard? – None of the two. Tcio answered, while sineta of the college beat the first call. The three friends had left the garden and had entered in the building, directing themselves for its respective classrooms. The students if had congregated in the audience to attend and to hear the lecture of Malaquias de Alarcon. In the deep one of the hall he had wooden tablado under a registration in the wall that said: Ad They increase I gave Gloriam. Adelmo, Bencio and Tcio had sat down in the first line of banks, next to palco.

The noise of the voices ceased when the director appeared and said: – Gentlemen, today we have the grateful satisfaction to receive the visit from an illustrious master. It was born in Brazil, completed superior education in Portugal, always walked for distant lands studying and learning the culture and the history of the peoples. In Spain he had the privilege to study texts rare and to go deep themselves common knowledge. It visited and it remained some time in the monastery of San Francisco, where if they find true treasures, where it has old books, written for scholars of the East Next and the Europe. Treated, decrees, papal briefs, commentaries and teachings written for kings, princes, traders, mathematicians, astronomers, botanical, religious philosophers and of the world all. I am saying of our brother and friend, Malaquias de Alarcon! An explosion of palms sounded in the hall and a man making look like 60 years appeared for behind of a curtain that occulted the entrance retires of it contiguous. He used the grayish, long hair and a thin beard. He dressed pants and shirt of white hemp and paved sandals. In the long face if he printed a cativante smile, in the eyes, a brightness arguto suggesting alert a mind and directions discerning.