I am very happy in seeing the quarrel on the entrance or not of the philosophy while it disciplines of the vestibular contests. I think that the most varied forms of if teaching to philosophy in the schools, making an analysis from the reality of Brasilia little it contributes for a consistent fundamentamentao of the thought and diffusion of the philosophy as possibility of always raising problems. First the critical one that I make corresponds to the contents and the way of application of these contents, if, of an institution of normal education the concern of the professor consists of winning the cronograma of activities to be developed during one definitive period, would not be thus, we professors, extinguishing with what it is essential in the philosophy? That is, to compose one (DES) linearity of what it consists the philosophy, to think concerning problematic of the man, neutralizing the all the possibilities of the philosophy to an almost scientific question? What to think of the evaluations that do not lead in counting the peculiarity of a philosophical question? philosophy must before everything, to become odd in the multiplicity of the knowledge, to become odd is to ahead locate of sciences assuming its paper, to assume is not to deny, to assume is to formulate itself constantly, to assume here, in my opinion, it corresponds ahead to a taking of attitude of the natural knowledge, the philosophical epistemologia corresponds in more significant way with the split and at the same time with the common unit of the bases of the current knowledge. Many writers such as Knicks offer more in-depth analysis. If on the other hand we treat the philosophy as science, what it is not, for another one, we run the risk to cairmos in the false belief of that philosophical knowing is validates in all the spheres. The inclusion of disciplines of philosophy, the inclusion of the arts in evaluations for ingression in an institution of superior level, demonstrates certain ' ' reparo' ' with the universal knowledge, and at the same time it demonstrates clearly that our great generation of students in Brazil little knows the proposal of the philosophy, understanding it as plus one it disciplines, that we hear in the corridors that are not valid and that little corresponds our way to see the world. The question that is would be: It is not in the hour of the philosophy to assume its role while ' ' it disciplines mater' ' also in the schools, a time that consider an obligatoriness it?.